Friday, September 23, 2011

Catalyst for development

Role of Technical education is very important and form a basis for human resource development by creating skilled manpower, employability, enhancing industrial productivity which leads for improving the quality of life.

Our country is well known for its large pool of technical manpower and using this as a key advantage, it is mandatory  to produce a critical mass of highly skilled manpower at an accelerated pace. The manpower must have various skills like creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, self-esteem and integrity that are indispensable to productivity in today’s workplace. Hence a modern and well developed society can become a possibility when quality of technical education is improved and form a strong foundation of a society with the positive attitude and right approach.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Investing in the future

In a time of continuous social, economic, and technological change, people all over need to develop their knowledge and skills, on a continuous basis, so that they can live and work meaningfully in this modern society. Education and training facilitate everybody’s participation in economic and social life and contribute individual’s personal development, productivity and generate income with their skills and knowledge.

Investing in education and training is therefore an investment in the future; knowledge and skills is the engine of economic growth and social development. The opportunity for people to equip themselves to lead productive and satisfying lives will undoubtedly be critical to the prosperity and well-being of the community. Through the development of skills and access to technical education, it will lead to the strong basis for a vibrant society and hence more resilient economy.